what got buried | ontario pet photographer

Wow, where did the summer go? I swear it was just June and now it’s almost September! As sad as I am to see the summer fade away, I’m looking forward to the next few months — September and October are my absolute favourite months for photography. The light is warm and golden, the colours are amazing and with the heat no longer a factor, Fido can run to his heart’s content and I don’t have so many “tongue on the ground” shots from my sessions! I’m currently booking into October (I still have a few spaces available in September, too), so if you’re thinking of a fall session, don’t hesitate to contact me.
As always, head on over to the official Happy Tails Pet Photography Facebook page for the most up-to-date news, contests and photos. But for those of you who have been off enjoying the summer (I don’t blame you!), here’s a quick recap of what’s been happening in this edition of What Got Buried.
Behind the scenes I’ve been a busy bee. I’m working on a new blog/website, which is lots of work for a technophobe like me. I sent out my first ever Happy Tails newsletter (just click here to subscribe) and I hit a major personal milestone: my one-year anniversary of volunteering at the Burlington Humane Society, where I have photographed close to 500 shelter pets! I love visiting all the residents at the shelter — it brings me so much fulfillment helping them find a family with professional “glamour shots.” They all deserve loving forever homes! Here are just a few of the furry faces I’ve had in front of my camera.
And here’s a shot of Svobi the kitten (sibling Piglet is in the background), who is still looking for a home. Isn’t he sweet?
I’m also excited to have my photography displayed in the Burlington Ont., location of the Bark and Fitz, a boutique pet store. I ordered two 20×30 canvases to fill the space right behind the cash. You can’t buy anything without catching sight of Happy Tails art!
On the home front, we are currently in the middle of an office “facelift.” Up until now, the room has been a catch-all for odds and ends. Our desk was too small and positioned over a vent, which made my feet cold. It just wasn’t an inspiring place to work. So, first we purged and reorganized. For a few days the space looked like this. It was scary, although Kitty didn’t seem to mind.
Now it looks like this, which is progress, but not yet complete. I’m hoping to blog about the final transformation when it’s finally done!
While the office chaos has been happening, I’ve been busy with client sessions. Here’s dark and mysterious Dobby from a recent home visit.
And a behind-the-scenes shot of me working with little doll Beatrice.
And my own two monkeys have had a bit of camera time. Bossypants Kitty has been brave lately, making her way into the backyard a few times while we are watering the plants with the door ajar. Only Kitty would wear a tuxedo in the garden.
Here’s Chloe looking happy and satisfied after playing ball in the park. She turned seven in August!
And a rare shot of the two of them together … kind of.