what do you want to read about?

Happy 2012 everyone! Wow, I can’t believe it is a new year already. And I can’t believe I have written 65 posts for the Happy Tails blog!
The new year, of course, means a fresh start, and I love that feeling. I have a few business goals for 2012 and one of them is to make my blog more interactive and get more reader feedback. I’m not sure exactly how to do this, which is why I would love to hear your input (if anyone is out there? Bueller?)!
What would you like to see on the Happy Tails blog? More personal posts about me, photography tips and tricks, business and vendor reviews and recommendations or more photography? These are just a few ideas, but if you have any other suggestions, please leave a comment and let me know!
It’s hard keeping up with a blog and trying to think of topics to write about — I know I should post more frequently and I’ll try to be more regular about writing this year.
I’ll leave you with this photo of Sara. She’s a long-haired beauty that had a rough start in life and is now living with a generous foster family while she waits for her forever home. Her expenses are being taken care of by an organization in my hometown called the Milton Animal Sanctuary — another great organization dedicated to helping animals in need. Isn’t she lovely?
All the best for 2012 — I think it will be a good year! And please help me guide the direction of the Happy Tails blog with your suggestions. I would love to hear from you!