spring pet photography | 4 reasons why spring sessions rock!

Yesterday it was snowing outside. Not just a few flakes floating in the air — I’m talking accumulation! I think we are all ready to finally bid farwell to winter, and are yearning for the warm air and fresh smells of spring. I love winter photography sessions, I really do, but I am over winter. And I am especially over the in-between brown/grey, muddy transition phase — yuck. I can’t wait until I can let Chloe inside without wiping her paws!
So, because I am convinced that spring will happen any day now, I thought I would share what we can look forward to when it comes to spring pet photography sessions! Let’s just get in the mood, despite the weather.
1) First, there is the vinca. These cute purple flowers and ground cover make for a fantastic backdrop. Because this is a spreading plant and very low to the ground, even small dogs can get right in the middle of a patch (and I know of a good one!) and not get lost. I just love the way it looks in photos! Smiley can attest to its comfort too.
2) The light is warm and delicious. Winter light is fresh and crisp, but with spring it kind of mellows out and has a warm, glowy quality about it. Not to mention I can shoot much later in the day, which means the return of weeknight sessions. I wish I could bottle this light. I also love how the budding leaves on the trees create interest. I swear I can smell spring on this photograph!
3) An abundance of natural locations. In the winter I have to search a bit harder to find locations that have interest. I look for beech trees with their yellow leaves that cling to them throughout the season, or eye-catching grasses and buildings with interesting architecture. In the spring and summer, nature pretty much explodes and I love the variety. I love flowers — when I’m not photographing pets or my son I’m photographing flowers — and I died when I discovered this amazing wildflower field in my area last year. More suited for larger breeds, it is stunning and I can’t wait to revisit it.
4) COLOUR! I am a huge fan of colour — I think it is a hallmark of my style (personal and professional). While I appreciate the minimalism and neutral tones that winter provides, colour really is my happy place.
I could go on and on about why spring is awesome — clients are happy because they don’t freeze their butts off and can actually sit on the ground, I can finally banish my ugly purple snow pants to the basement, dogs can go swimming during sessions and cats can enjoy open windows and breezes, etc. The first signs of spring should be appearing soon: cherry blossoms, tulips, daffodils, lilacs … I can’t wait!
If you are interested in a spring pet photography session, please get in touch soon (stacey@happytailspetphotography.ca)!