scottsdale farm dog photography | georgetown pet photographer

This morning when I took Chloe for a walk at the inhuman hour of 6 a.m., it was -25 with the wind chill. It was dark. I was cold. The arctic blasts of wind didn’t seem to bother Chloe much though — she still took for-ever smelling this patch of snow and then that one piece of grass poking up … then back to the original patch of snow. I have learned, however, that the more I encourage her to hurry up and do her business, the slower she takes. Maybe she has a layer of blubber under that coat of fur that helps her withstand freezing temperatures.
As I stood there with my hands stuffed inside two pairs of mittens, stuffed inside my coat pockets, I imagined it was warm, and sunny. And when my mind wandered to Happy Tails (as it tends to do) and what my blog post would be this week, I immediately thought of Shelby and Lacy and the most amazing, unseasonably warm and golden fall weather we had for their November session. The light was so toasty.
Shelby is a four-year-old a shih tzu/bichon cross, and Lacy is a five-year-old poodle/bichon mix. Shelby’s person is Jayme, who contacted me about a photography session as a gift to her parents, who are owned by Lacy. Prior to our meeting, Jayme filled out my questionnaire and under the question asking what (if any) commands the dogs know, she wrote “sit …. hahaha.” I wasn’t sure what to expect.
These two are a couple of monkeys alright, but in the best way possible. They were driving more than an hour to meet me, so I travelled a bit further north and we met just outside of Georgetown at Scottsdale Farm. I love a good farm session.
Shelby (below left) is sweet and affectionate, and I would say the more playful of the two. Lacy is the princess. She didn’t sit much during this session … only when the ground was soft and comfy did she deem it appropriate. Dogs are funny.
I love Shelby’s polka dot belly.
This next image is the one Jayme ordered as a large portrait for her parents — Lacy was enjoying the last rays of sunshine after romping around this field with Shelby.
Jayme, Shelby and Lacy, I’m so glad you made the trek to see me — what an awesome afternoon to be a dog!