New year, new look! | New pet photography website

Happy new year everyone! If you’re new to the blog and website, welcome! If you’ve been here before, things may look a little different … but hopefully still familiar!
Yep, it’s a new website!
I’ve been working hard behind the scenes to give my web presence a new look. I really liked my old website, so it was actually pretty hard to let go and move forward. My previous website lasted for three years and it felt comfortable and friendly – it really put out to the world what Happy Tails is all about. But it wasn’t responsive and it emphasized the blog rather than Happy Tails info that people might want at their fingertips, so I knew a change was on the horizon. My dilemma was to create something modern and good looking without losing the charm and familiarity of what I had built with the old site … I wanted it to be modern, but not TOO modern, if you know what I mean!
So, here we are and I’m really excited about this new pet photography website for Happy Tails! The new design allows for more images and visual elements, and my hope is this new space is not only nice to look at, but easy to navigate. I kept my Happy Tails pink, which is a key brand element for me, along with my dog bum logo, but it’s been gently updated, along with its font. I feel like my logo has evolved with me … although, it’s now a little more round, so I’m not sure what the meaning is there …!
I have to send a big thank you to my graphic designer, Brian Roberts (who also runs Brightside Photography and is busy doing a web design of his own), who worked with me to update my logo. He was very patient working with me and trying to decipher instructions along the lines of: “I want to keep the bum but make it more updated, so a modern dog bum” … I’m not sure how he managed!
I’m still tweaking things here and there, so if you come across a broken link or something out of whack, please send me a note or leave a comment.
I’m not really one for making new year’s resolutions, but it feels really great to start 2017 off with a makeover. There are lots of great things to come, so stay tuned by subscribing to my blog or signing up for my newsletter.