Inspiring fall pet photos: Autumn adventures with Link

Link is a rambunctious “tween” rottweiler dog. When his mom got in touch for pet photos, I knew it would be a fun adventure! We met at a local park in his Oakville neighbourhood for some inspiring fall pet photos (the bow-tie really added to this!).
Inspiring fall pet photos
Although Link is well trained for his age (he’s doing well in school), he’s still a young pup and full of energy. I consider your pet’s personality and temperament when choosing a location for the best chance of success. I knew that a quiet area with few distractions would be a big help in Link’s case. With very few people and other pets around, we could keep his focus more. Of course he was still a wiggly bum and needed lots of breaks, which is expected! I let your pet lead our session, so we went with the flow and got some really cute images – handsome, derpy and serious!

Our photo session was in November, which is one of my favourite months for photography. Although, might say this about every month! I love fall, but I really appreciate the early autumn feel of September and the beautiful neutral tones of November.

Get in touch to reserve your photo session. Black dogs, untrained dogs, ALL dogs are welcome and can be photographed well in all seasons!