How to print your digital files

Raise your hand if you have a million digital files floating around different storage sites? And it’s so overwhelming that you don’t actually do anything with them or you think about printing them but have no idea how or where to do it?
I hear you. I currently have about 1,500 photos on my phone and thousands more in cloud storage sites, external hard drives and on my home computer.
But, I’m so afraid of those files corrupting, being accidentally deleted or just getting lost that I make a point of printing a photo album every year. It’s big and expensive, but when that album arrives in the mail, I feel a huge sense of relief knowing that I have printed copies of my photos in a tangible form. I feel so much better holding my memories and knowing they are far less likely to suddenly disappear. If you’ve had technology fail, you know what I mean!
Print your digital files
In the photography world, it’s repeated over and over again: print your photos! Digital media isn’t archival–it won’t last forever! Print your digital files!
I would love it if every client who purchases digital files from me prints them, but the reality is more like this.
As a mom with a full-time job and a side hustle, and about a thousand other things going on in my life, I understand that people are busy. It can feel like a chore to set aside the time to print your digital files. It’s one of those tasks that keeps getting bumped down the list of things to do. And where should you print them, anyway? Hint: probably not the drugstore or Walmart!
The point of this post is this: I want to make it easy and affordable for clients who purchase digital files from their pet photography session to print their photos, and have them look amazing – not green or yellow tinted or otherwise wierd, which can happen if you print at a big box store.
Looking back at what clients have ordered from me, it’s clear that digital files are the most popular item on my product menu. I’m also happy to report that most people order the files in addition to a large piece of artwork (yay!) such as a canvas, professionally framed print or storyboard. But for those who just want the files or who want the ability to print to a high quality, I don’t want to leave you hanging.
Introducing easy, online print fulfillment
Starting now, clients who order digital files from their pet photography session will have access to my professional printing lab to order and print images online. It’s a pro-level lab, so it matches the colour calibration in the files and properly print your images to a very high quality. It’s easy, too! You just go into your online gallery, choose the image and size you want to print, crop your photo if necessary, and add it to your shopping cart.
Even better, the prices are comparable to what you would find at a consumer lab and they ship right to your door (there is a shipping fee).
You can self-fulfill prints that are size 4×6, 5×7, 8×10 and 11×14. These are suitable for small frames, slip-in photo albums or scrapbooks, a memory box or to gift to friends or family. Larger prints and artwork require more meticulous preparation, including detailed touch ups, precise cropping, mounting for longevity, etc., so I’ll continue to personally provide this service (view all the artwork options I offer). I want to ensure it’s all done properly and that your large and specialty wall art looks gorgeous.

I realize that printing your own photos can still be a little intimidating. I’m always here to help guide you through the process and do all the printing for you if you prefer that convenience. But if you choose to purchase the digital files, prefer the ease of ordering online and want to ensure high-quality printing results, I’m happy to provide this convenient option for you!