celebrating blackjack | burlington senior dog photographer

I met Blackjack and his person Deb at a local park on a beautiful September afternoon. Lots of people like to reserve session dates in October to catch the fall colours, which I totally understand, but I’m telling you, September is not to be overlooked! I think Blackjack got a dandy of a day. I especially love the yellow, purple and white flowers (some may call them weeds) that fill the fields at this time of year — so gorgeous!
Blackjack is an easygoing, 13-year-old senior border collie/lab mix. His hearing is going, and he’s having a few issues with his back legs, but I think I saw a little skip in his step during our afternoon in the fresh fall air. He was happy just poking around and doing his own thing.
I truly believe that pets pick their people. Blackjack picked Deb twice. He belonged to an ex and stole Deb’s heart. Despite the human relationship not working out, Blackjack came back into Deb’s life later on when he was in need of a new home. He’s been with her ever since.
I’ve declared my love for seniors over and over again, and Blackjack is no different. I love his grey muzzle and mellow personality.
Enjoy your memories Blackjack and Deb! You are a wonderful pair.