happy birthday chloe!

Free to a good home.
That was Chloe at age four in an online ad. Today, after four years of ball throwing (I have a pretty good arm now!), hundreds of walks, and soothing a terrified 65 lb ball of fur during countless thunderstorms, I can’t believe anyone would ever give Chloe away.
Yes, she is a total nut. She has selective hearing, pulls on a leash and has anxiety issues. She sheds like crazy. She doesn’t understand what personal space is. She lets the cat totally boss her around. She poops A LOT. She has absolutely no manners when it comes to meeting other people and dogs. She is by far the most difficult dog I have ever photographed.
But we love her.
We are actually Chloe’s third family. Her first home as a puppy was with a college student, who quickly realized that taking care of a pet is a lot of work. More than she could handle. Chloe’s second family was in a home with three kids and two other dogs. The owners proceeded to add a puppy to the mix, realized it was more work than they could handle (do you see a reoccurring theme?) and gave up Chloe. Yep, that’s a total head-scratcher.
So, she came to us, free to a good home.
She loves belly rubs, her tennis balls and walks. She loves swimming and would happily splash around in the water for hours. She is the best greeter after a long day at work. She has the daintiest little eyelashes. She is gentle with our son and tries her hardest to not steal his balls. She has a carefree zest for life that makes me envious. She has the sweetest face and the kindest soul.
She has given so much to us, all totally free, no strings attached. I hope in return we have given her the good home she has always deserved.
Happy eighth birthday Chloe! You might be getting white in the face, but you still have the energy and spirit of a pup!