happy birthday chloe!

Today is my golden retriever’s birthday! Chloe turns six (although she doesn’t act a day over two!). It feels like she’s been in our lives forever, but she only became part of our family two years ago when we adopted her from a family that could no longer care for her. We still can’t believe how lucky we are. We are actually her third family – it’s hard to imagine, but she has been given up twice. Once as a puppy, then again when she came to us at the age of four. We are NEVER giving this monkey up. She is the sweetest, most loyal and exuberant creature, and she truly makes our house a home. Plus, she’s super cute.
Chloe is obsessed with tennis balls. So, yesterday we went out for a walk with her trusty “Wilson.” It was early evening and I was hoping to get some photos of my Golden during “golden hour” — that time in the evening when the light is warm and magical. But the clouds rolled in making the skies a little overcast. Parts of the path were still pretty though.
Of course, there were lots of things to explore along the way. There were bugs to sniff …
And grass to eat.
Occasionally she would stop for a few seconds to let me take a picture.
We love you Chloe — happy birthday! Stay tuned to see how Chloe spent her big day!