Gifts that give | Helping pets in need for the holiday season
If you’re stuck for present ideas for those difficult-to-buy-for people on your Christmas list this year, why not consider a gift that gives — one that will go towards helping pets in need for the holiday season and beyond. A small donation can go a long way towards providing a safe and warm place for them to live, food in their bellies and the medical treatment they require. The best part is that you can donate on behalf of someone, and in return not only will that person on your list feel good about giving a little piece of their holiday season to pets that need help, but they often receive a small token of thanks from the receiving organization. As the gifter, you often receive a tax receipt for any amount donated over a certain amount. It’s win-win-win.
Here’s a list of shelters and rescues local to me, or that I have worked with, that have programs like this in place. But any organization that assists pets in need can use your help!
• The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada: We visited this amazing refuge over the summer and cannot say enough good things about how great it is. DSC is a loving retreat for donkeys and mules rescued from abuse and neglect. This Christmas, you give the gift of donkey sponsorship! For a donation of $50 per sponsored donkey, you receive a Canadian charitable tax receipt for $50, and the recipient receives a biography and picture of the sponsored donkey, plus a certificate of sponsorship. Most importantly, DSC receives much needed support to provide the best possible care for the animals. To see pictures of the residents and read their stories, visit the organization’s website. You can then make your donation online. To ensure your sponsorship package arrives in time for Christmas, set up your sponsorship before Dec. 15.
• The Farley Foundation: The Farley Foundation was established by the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association to assist people in need (the elderly, those suffering from an accident or illness, those with a disability, etc.) by subsidizing the cost of veterinary care for their beloved pets. You can purchase items such as a plush toy, golf club cover and cards, with proceeds going to the foundation. Or, simply make a donation directly in honour of someone special and they will receive a card notifying them of the gift. Charitable tax receipts are issued for donations of $15 or more.
• The Oakville and Milton Humane Society and the Burlington Humane Society: Give the best gift to the animal lover in your life – the opportunity to help change the life of a homeless pet! Both shelters offer a variety of donation options from toys, animal rescue kits, foster kits, medical exams/vaccines or the option to sponsor a cat cage or high-needs dog kennel for one year. You will receive a card to give the recipient and a tax receipt. Shelters can be enriching temporary homes for homeless animals if they are staffed and equipped properly — check out how fun can be had in a shelter environment here!

• The Pet Trust Fund: One in four dogs die of cancer. Help fight back by donating the Ontario Veterinary College’s (OVC) Pet Trust Fund, which provides funding for new research, training of veterinary specialists and state-of-the-art teaching and equipment. The Pet Trust Fund is also committed to creating the first specialized animal cancer centre where pets will receive the most advanced and effective treatment. Make a direct donation or shop at the online store, with all funds going to initiatives at the OVC.
• Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary: If you haven’t heard of Esther the Wonder Pig, you’re missing out! Her two dads have started a farm sanctuary in rural Ontario, which is now being populated with rescue animals, with an anticipated opening in July 2015. So far it is being built and run through donations and their own personal work and expense. Shop at the store (you can get an autographed photo of Esther!) or give a direct donation.
• Ladybird Animal Sanctuary: It devastates me to know there are high-kill shelters in my area. This organization rescues animals scheduled for euthanasia from these shelters — none go overlooked, from seniors, those with injuries, farm animals and even hospice situations — this organization is dedicated to saving as many as possible. With goals of opening a physical sanctuary (right now animals are fostered until they are adopted), your donation could help make this dream a reality. Give a monetary donation in honour of a recipient or give an item they need. Tax receipts are issued for the amount donated.
• Canadian Dachshund Rescue: If there is a wiener dog lover in your life, you must check out CDR’s fantastic online store — the variety of gift possibilities is really impressive. From clothing (for humans and wieners) and calendars, to jewellery and greeting cards, you’ll find something to please. Proceeds go to the rescue!

Many other shelters and rescues are in need of items to help care for the animals. Consider making a donation of dog or cat toys, and gift cards to pet stores or grocery stores. Let the pet lover in your life know you made a homeless animal’s life better in their name.