gallery wrap canvas | ontario pet photographer

In my previous What Got Buried post I shared a quick look at a couple of canvases that I have hanging in the Burlington, Ont., location of the Bark and Fitz pet boutique. The shop owners were kind enough to give me space right behind the cash register, and it is a great opportunity to showcase not only my photography, but one of my favourite products that I offer clients: gallery wrap canvases. I thought I would share a closer look at these canvases because I think they are pretty awesome.

I posted before about going as big as you can when it comes to wall art, and I think 20×30 is the minimum size to get. It’s a nice size — it’s big enough to be displayed on many different wall shapes and sizes, and can still be used in a grouping if you want. These canvases are both 20×30.

Professional pet photography products: gallery wrap canvases

I love canvases because they are really durable and come ready to hang — it’s really the easiest way to get art up on your walls. I work with an amazing professional lab that works exclusively with photographers. I am in love with their canvases … or perhaps more accurately, in lurrrvvee! The colours are always spot on and the finishing is top-notch, right down to the neatly folded corners.

golden retriever on gallery wrap canvas: professional pet photography
side profile of canvas wall art
hanging gallery wrap canvas for ontario pet photography clients
None of the detail is lost — it’s amazing. Don’t you feel like you could reach out and pet Buckeye?
close up of weimaraner on gallery wrap canvas

Although Chloe doesn’t get what all the fuss is about — why I would ever order any art that has a dog on it other than her?

Pet golden retriever Chloe is not impressed with professional canvas products

Don’t worry Chloe, you’ll be up on our walls soon enough. My birthday is coming up and as a little gift to myself I ordered a canvas of Chloe and I for our office. I’ll share it soon!

On a more personal note, seeing my work on a product like this makes me feel like more than someone who takes photographs — it makes me feel like a bona fide photographer … even, an artist. Sometimes I get caught up in worry and doubt, and comparing myself to other photographers, and my confidence gets low. Can I really call myself a professional? Why does everyone else seem so successful and have everything together? But then I open up a delivery like this and say in wonder to my husband, “Wow, this looks like real art.” His response is a pretty consistent, “Umm, yeah. D’uh.” There is nothing more satisfying than seeing my work like this. It just plain makes me happy.
