friday fetch | pet lifestyle ideas, tips and gifts

Winter dog boots

Have you noticed that Facebook isn’t playing nice these days? With the social networking service limiting posts to fewer and fewer people, I’d like to make my blog more robust and interesting, so you can come here to not only read the latest Happy Tails news and view session images, but also learn, be inspired and well, just hang around a bit more!

So, welcome to my inaugural Friday Fetch post, which will (hopefully, if I don’t fall off the bandwagon) appear every Friday. It’s inspired by a mantra from a friend about what she buys her kids for Christmas: something they want, something they need, something they wear and something they read. I think it’s genius, really, and I hope to follow that plan for my little guy next year after going a teensy bit overboard in the present department this Christmas. I think it also works well as the guidelines for this weekly post and is something I can fit into my schedule.

My plan is to bring you ideas, inspiration and just plain cool stuff in a simple link-format blog post. It will generally be pet focused, but it could veer off into other areas I’m interested in. It might introduce you to a new product or service, or maybe give you a little bit more insight into me … the person behind the camera.

So, here we go, in no particular order!

1) Chloe needs booties. She loves being outside, no matter the weather (I suspect she is part husky!) and the only thing that holds her back are snowballs in the toes. I’m eyeing something like these for her paws. I’m sure she’ll hate them.

Winter dog boots
Photo: Ruffwear

2) Sarah Richardson posted a collection of curated pet items for the chic among us. From stationary to a luxe dog sweater, I would add all of these items to my want list. Amazing designer and pet finds? Can’t go wrong here.

3) I love jewellery, the more personalized, the better.

4) I always get a copy of Bark magazine in my stocking.

