friday fetch | art and old dogs

Is anyone else out there already weary of winter? I feel like this has been the longest winter ever and it’s still only January! The good news: only 68 days until spring (actually, I’m not sure that’s good news)!
This edition of Friday Fetch features a few of my favourite things: gift wrap (I have a problem), tunics that cover the posterior, art and old dogs. Enjoy!

1) I found artist Todd Young on Etsy and fell in love with his adorable dog paintings and prints. I have this print of a golden retriever looking out on the water with a ball at her side framed and hanging in my office. It reminds me so much of Chloe, and I smile every time I look at it.
2) I love paper products – stationary, wrapping paper, the works – and I’m always on the hunt for unique and pretty packaging ideas. How cute is this gift wrap? And you can personlize it using the speech bubbles!
3) I have a really special place in my heart for old dogs, and they are my favourite subject to photograph. One of my personal goals is to complete a photography project of old dogs – I know it’s been done before, but I think it would be wonderfully fulfilling. Until then, I always enjoy flipping through Old Dogs, photographed by Michael S. Williamson.
4) Super cute dog print tunic to wear to the office!