Dog days of summer promo

Ontario dog photograper summer promotion.

If you follow me over on Facebook, you’ll know that Happy Tails headquarters is moving! The last time we moved house, it was just me and the hubby, and we were both moving out of our respective apartments, so all of our IKEA furniture came apart via Allen key and was loaded by friends into a rented U-Haul truck. Now we have a toddler and pets, so the selling, buying and moving experience has been a little more complicated (and a lot more stressful!).

To sum it up, over the past few months I feel like I’ve been sucked into some kind of wierd moving vortex — it has pretty much occupied all of my energy and attention.

With the end in sight, I want to celebrate! I also want to thank all of my awesome clients, supporters and friends — and anyone who has listened to me complain about moving — with an incredible summer promotion. If you have ever thought about booking a session, now is the time to get a taste of the Happy Tails experience. It’s also a great opportunity for current clients to get new images in a different season/setting or to just update your pooch’s photos (despite it’s name, this offer does extend to cats too!).

Book now because spaces are limited!
Ontario dog photograper summer promotion.