mutt life’s dirty dog

It’s official. We own the dirtiest dog in the neighbourhood according to the folks at Mutt Life! Chloe won the grand prize in the shop’s Dirtiest Dog Photo Contest and gets free baths for a year! I’m not sure if I should be proud or embarrassed. We’re actually really tickled that Chloe won — tails have been wagging at Happy Tails headquarters since we heard the news. And even though I think she could also win for cutest dog in the world, best pet on the planet or the smooshiest furbaby mcgoo ever, I had a feeling she had a good shot at taking top prize when we submitted this photo:
Yep, that’s my girl. This was taken during one of our off-leash hikes in the fall. Chloe ran ahead and disappeared from view for a few moments. When we called her back she returned looking like a black lab from the neck down! She had found a bog. And not just any bog. The mud was like sticky tar and did it ever stink! Doesn’t she look pleased with herself though? Chloe’s already great day was elevated to Best. Day. Ever.
For the rest of our trek, hikers we passed would chuckle and gave us looks of pity. We hosed her down in the backyard as soon as we got home.
It’s hard chasing a muddy dog with a hose though, and now we won’t have to for a whole year! It’s mess-free tub baths for our dirty pooch for the next 12 months.
Now Chloe will be the cleanest, best smelling dog in the neighbourhood! Thanks Mutt Life!