Celebrating Seamus | Remembering a terminally-ill pet

Portuguese water dog Seamus was only eight when he was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma, a particularly aggressive cancer – his prognosis was one to three months to live. He also had to undergo a splenectomy after a massive rupture. This goofy guy was his mom’s constant companion, and came into the family shortly after the death of her husband. Seamus was her first solely-chosen pet after a lifetime of family pet ownership, so he will always hold a special place in her heart.
When I met Seamus he was happily oblivious and recovering well from his surgery. I could tell he brought a lot of joy into his mom’s life, just by being.
The weather wasn’t particularly cooperative during Seamus’ session – it was an overcast day and it even rained for a bit. But time was of the essence, and we wanted to get photos while he was still his energetic, goofy self, so rescheduling wasn’t really an option. Part of my job is being able to handle difficult environments – a black dog inside on a gloomy day is tricky. I used the rooms with good window light, and while other may have balked at the deep blue bedroom, I just knew it would create a dramatic background and embraced the darkness!
I loved this guy – such a sweet, nutty boy so full of love and joy. I hope these images make his mom smile during the difficult times ahead.