Celebrating Gracie | Oakville pet photographer

It’s the kind of email that hurts my heart: “My dog has cancer.” As an Oakville pet photographer, I get so many of those messages — it’s just not right. And a golden … well, that hits even closer to home because my own dog is a golden.
When Gracie’s mom first got in touch, it seemed like we weren’t going to get these important images. Gracie’s health had taken a sharp turn for the worse and she had to have a feeding tube inserted. There comes a time when I recommend forgoing photography – you don’t want to look back on images of your pet looking sick and remembering a difficult time. Yes, those memories are important in their own way, but I encourage (beg!) people to get in touch while their pet is still healthy, or at least, still themself. So, we left it and hoped for the best. A week later Gracie’s feeding tube was removed and she had her first round of chemo. It put some pep in her step and she was acting more like her old self. She was more energetic and perky. I booked it over there.
Gracie, 10, is a typical golden – loves people, loves treats, loves belly rubs, loves everything. She enthusiastically greeted me at the door and before I knew it, I was her own personal ear scratcher. Goldens have a way of doing this. She promptly sat down — on my foot — and stayed there until her mom was ready.
Her energy wasn’t quite what it used to be, but Gracie was more than happy to go for a walk around the neighbourhood. All of these photos were taken as we slowly wandered from her apartment to an open green space a few blocks away and back. It can be easy to get caught up in locations and good backdrops, but so much variety is available just outside your front door!
Thank you residents of Oakville, for choosing not to park on the street this day!
Sadly, Gracie passed away about a week after our session. I am so thankful she had a good day and we were able to capture her sweet smile and personality. I’m so lucky to have met her.
Do you have an ill or elderly pet you would like to remember with photographs? Happy Tails Pet Photography provides custom pet photography for clients in southwestern Ontario. Get in touch to book your own personalized experience.