Celebrating Jake | Bronte Park dogs

“I am hoping I have not waited too long to book this for Jake, but he has gone downhill quickly this month.” Crazy how things can change so suddenly — one minute everyone seems fine, the next, not so much. Husky-cross Jake, 12, had been on my radar for a while — a few attempts to schedule a sessions were scuttled due to health issues and weather. After receiving this message from his mom, I was so happy and relieved to arrange a session at his favourite natural while he was still able to enjoy it.
This little piece of outdoor paradise is Jake’s happy place — doesn’t he look happy? Funny thing about this guy, and one of the things I love about him, is that he’s actually a grouch, or, as his mom noted in my questionnaire in the “how would you describe your pet” section: grumpy. This old guy is a classic curmudgeon — his resting face just happens to be happy! I met him, along with the rest of the pack — Bear, Tucker and Ella — or, as I like to call them, the Bronte Park dogs, at the beautiful Bronte Creek Provincial Park in Burlington. Chloe and I visit quite often, and I initially met this gang at the park, long before a session was in the works. Funny how things work out.
Here’s crankypants Jake — oh what a lovable face!
And Tucker and Bear, who enjoyed exploring the tall grassy fields.
Miss Ella is down there on the right. She’s the most wiggle-waggliest (totally made that word up!) golden I’ve ever met. When she walks she looks like a slinky — so cute!
What a gang! #squadgoals.
As is always the case with Celebration Sessions, I sign off with sad news — Jake passed away shortly after our time together wandering the paths and fields of his favourite park. Pets are family — document them as often as you can, and include them in your family photos. This pack of Bronte Park dogs won’t look like this ever again, but Jake’s place in it will live on in photographs. I’m always happy to help, and it’s an honour to be asked to provide such cherished keepsakes.